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  • Ewan Miles

The Isle of Mull Wildlife Experience with Iolo Williams 2016

Despite the challenging weather conditions at the start of the tour we had a wonderful five day experience on the island with Iolo Williams and guests.

Sightings included White-tailed Eagles, Golden Eagle, Hen Harriers, Basking Sharks, Minke Whale, Harbour Porpoise, Arctic Skuas, Great Skuas, Storm Petrels, Manx Shearwaters, Gannets, Black-tailed Godwits, Common Scoter, Mountain Hares, Tawny Owls, Red-throated Divers, Harbour Seals, Grey Seals, Red Deer, Fallow Deer and a wonderful array of wild flowers and fungi!

A great team of people all made a huge contribution so I would like to firstly thank Heather, Hugh, Janet, Irene and Tracy for their wonderful company and enthusiasm throughout the week.

I would also like to thank the main man Iolo Williams. I am sure everyone will agree that it is an absolute privilege to spend time in wild areas with him. A hugely inspirational naturalist.

Many thanks also go to Jane Gordon-Chauvet for the amazing packed lunches along with the Carnaburg Guest House and the Western Isles Hotel for their wonderful food and hospitality.

Special thanks to Stuart Gibson (The-Musky-Mustelid) for his sensational fungi walk and to Rachel Ann French (WildChild Scotland) for her excellent guidance and assistance.

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