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  • Ewan Miles

The Isle of Islay Wildlife Experience with Iolo Williams 2018

Islay, Isle of Islay, Iolo WIlliams, Nature Scotland, Wildlife Tours,

A great five days staying at Islay Cottages last week with species including Merlin, Peregrine, Golden Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Otter, Hen Harrier, Chough, thousands of Barnacle Geese, Greenland White-fronted Geese, Iceland Gull, Glaucous Gulls, Barn Owl, Whooper Swans, Twite, Slavonian Grebe, Black-throated Diver and much more!

On day 4 we had five separate male Hen Harrier sightings! Day 5 may have topped that with stunning Crossbills and a memorable Otter encounter with a Golden Eagle overhead!

Not everyone visits Islay for the wildlife and as you can see from the photo one ferry passenger (not part of our tour!) had also enjoyed his time on 'Whisky Island'.

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